9. Organization and Management.
Department of Service Industry and Innovation languages (DSIL) include the following.
1. Administrative and clerical.
1.1 Archives.
1.2 Staff unit.
1.3 Government Affairs.
1.4 units, public relations and marketing.
2. Finance and Supply.
2.1 Finance and Accounting.
2.2 The parcel.
3. Policy and plans.
3.1 Unit of analysis plans and budgets.
3.2 Quality Assurance Unit.
4. Buildings and vehicles.
4.1 Building unit
4.2 Vehicles unit
4.3 The welfare
5. Education Services, research and academic service.
5.1 Education Services Unit.
5.2 Student Affairs unit
5.3 Research and Innovation Services industry language.
5.4 The translation and testing.
5.5 Continuing education and short courses unit.
10. Associated or linked with other agencies.
A agency that teaching basic courses in English as a medium for the faculty and institute in the teaching curriculum under Faculty of Arts and Science .
11. Past performance (if any).
11.1 Academic Crew has partnered with the Institute as a center for training in the technique.A job interview in Thai and English. Students in the Faculty (Conducted training for students in the Department of Agricultural Mechanization of Horticulture and Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen biotech field .Faculty of Arts and the Bachelor of English . Faculty of Arts and Sciences from the academic year. 2551 - present).
11.2 Conference with national No. 5 No. 6 and No. 7 Humanities and social sciences. In Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen, 8 to 9 December 2551 2552 and 2553.
11.3 To provide training and technical job interview in English for students and staffs in university in 2551.
11.4 Provide translation Thai into English. And English into Thai with students and staff in the Faculty. Conducted for personnel of the Faculty of Education and Development Sciences. Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen. Research and development of KPS and undergraduate students and graduate students from the academic year. 2551 - present.
11.5 Cooperation with the Center for Professional Assessment (Thailand) is a hub for Service Test TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Japanese Proficiency Test (JPT) Test de francais international (TFI) in Nakhon Pathom have TOEIC exam first semester 1, 2552 - present. Organized every semester by each of at least two cycles (undergraduate students, mostly of the test art and science degrees and Faculty of Engineering .)
11.6 Cooperation with the Executive Committee of the learning. Opening of AUA Language School for English training courses for students and staff at Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Nakhon Pathom province. (2552 - present).
11.7 Research conducted in English and Applied Linguistics by working with the radio station broadcasting of Thailand. Public Relations Department Conducted research. Evaluation of hearing radio system to a foreign community. MLB. 918 kHz of the radio station Thailand. Public Relations Department (2552).
11.8 Graduate Program. Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. Department of English as an international language. (International) with the approval of the Graduate School. Board of Education. Dean and the University Council. Successfully and will be the first students in the academic year 2553.
11.9 32 Chinese students from Yunnan to study Thai in the first course in the academic year beginning in 2553 and will receive a further 30 people in the end of 2553.
11.10 English has established English Club has been supported by funding from Student Development Fund. Faculty of Arts and Science on the beginning of the year in 2553 by the English tutoring to students in the campus.
11.11 During the course of Bachelor of Arts in English for the Hospitality Industry (International) and will be offered in 2554.
11.12 During the course of the Bachelor of Arts. Field of English as an international language (International) and will be offered in the year 2555.
12. Resources available and the need to increase supply.
However, initially the Department of Service Industry and Innovation language (DSIL) are the equivalent of the Department of Science, Faculty of Arts and Science whose main income of the Teaching Faculty of Humanities. Field of English as an international language. The teaching two categories: 1) Sat - Sun For the public and those interested in the Bangkok metropolitan area and the five provinces in the western region, and 2) the summer for the public and other interested parties throughout the country. Including the provision of additional funding from the government and a loan from the credit union to University buildings and permanent structures. Asset building and proceed to the next statement. Income that is included with the loan will be used to hire teachers in Thailand and overseas. Personnel and staff increases. When rates are of course a number of full-time faculty will be launched five undergraduate courses as defined in Article 8 of the plan (task) next.